Friday, August 28, 2009

Inglourious Basterds (Brodie) OMG QT is OTT!

Ah, Quentin Tarantino. He's good at making movies that have me cheering and clapping. What a good show! It's quintessential QT: gory violence, larger-than-life characters, dialogue that's amusing in its weirdness (despite being in other languages), overdone cinematography, loud obnoxious music... he's good at what he does.

Now, he has made the Nazi movie to end all Nazi movies (which must now be pronounced natsees). He creates a movie land that is great to play in. It has nothing to do with reality, and that's why we like it... (ok, so maybe it has a little to do with reality, but that's also why we like it). Projects like Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers have started to make it more difficult to watch a good Nazi-killing flic without thinking and feeling a little deeper. But not to fear, QT--no doubt, toying with that fact--serves up a treat for the blood lust in us all. In that way, this movie joins those ranks of the-movies-that-make-it-hard-to-enjoy-Nazi-hunting; because from here on out, we are jaded and know that we'll never have it so good.

It should be seen and enjoyed. Yet, on spotting the 3-year old walking out of the theater with her parents, I feel I should restate that this is a movie about killing... people... violently. You know, blood, bludgeoning, and QT gore. It is not a family film meant for everyone. And I loved it!

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